Chairman's Message
Welcome to the website of ZamungKor. Our mandate is to help vulnerable and impoverished children receive adequate health, housing, education, and vocational training so they can grow up to lead produc...
Director's Message
Our human compassion binds us to one another, not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learned how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future. - Nelson MandelaThe Ins...
About Us
To create an equitable and conducive environment for the disenfranchised, destitute and vulnerable c...
ZamungKor is a catalyst and a midway house, where State Children with limited options are housed,&nb...
Total Children
Success Stories
The Shinning Stars
Meet the Youngest resident of ZK and read soul-stirring story of this 4 and a half year old kid.
Help in Kind
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