Charsadda Rd. Peshawer

ZamungKor School

Education is a process in which and by which the knowledge, character, and behavior of young ones are shaped and molded.

Socrates defines education as the means that help in searching the truth. Truth is hidden in the minds of human beings and they should be aware of it.

Nelson Mandela believes that  Education is the most powerful weapon which can change the world.�

The aims of education vary from time to time and place to place according to the needs and demands of society. Education is responsible for every aspect of man's life. It therefore cannot be confined to a few aims. The aim of education should be the production of good citizens so that it should prepare a man for a profession and enable him to earn his livelihood. It also develops a balanced personality of individuals so that they may become civilized, broad-minded, and non-dogmatic simultaneously.

The eighties and nineties saw a growing global concern for the rights and welfare of children. This culminated in the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Child by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1989. In line with this general concern for the rights and Welfare of children in especially difficult circumstances, is another growing international problem of the rising numbers of street children in urban areas, mostly within the developing World. This has translated into increasing the number of government and non-government organizations throughout the world whose main activity is to help alleviate the plight of the street.


ZamungKor Model School established for disenfranchised children. These are children born to loving parents who dealt a cruel hand by man and nature. These are our children, albeit born in destitute households. They must be assured of their rights as described in many national and international covenants. These children are our responsibility they are State Children.

Right to education is one of the basic rights of children. Therefore, the main objectives of ZamungKor Model School are:

  1. To impart quality education to the State Children.
  2. To bring a good change in their behavior.
  3. To build their character and personality.
  4. To provide better citizens to the State.

The vision of ZamungKor Model School is to create an equitable and conducive environment for disenfranchised, destitute, and vulnerable children from the most socially and economically challenged segment of society and offer these State Children equal opportunity to excel with their GOD-endowed potential.


Different government and non-government organizations provide basic life necessities to the State Children. Khpal Kor, SOS, and Azad Foundation are such examples. ZamungKor also satisfies the basic needs of State Children and also motivates them to live a better life. ZamungKor Model School is assuring their rights, realizing that they are our children, and making them a part of society.

ZamungKor Model School is an organization run by the Government. It was established in July 2016. It can hold 700 students, but we currently have more than 600 students studying in Head Office Peshawar from grades one to intermediate.

The students are provided with books, uniforms, bags, and stationeries free of cost. In ZamungKor Model School we have an efficient teaching staff of 25 members and a psychologist. In addition to this, we have two 2 more psychologists, 2 computer instructors, and 1 art instructor.

ZamungKor Model School is a facilitated Institution to conduct different activities. We have an activity Room for students to have fun and be creative. To cope with the day-to-day technologies we have one computer lab, one IT lab, an art Room, and a language Lab. As well as we have 17 numbers of Classrooms, a playground, a library, a Sports Room, and an Exam cell.

To sum up, we are trying to bring a better change in the personalities of these State Children through quality education, proper guidance, motivation, and counseling.

Education is vitally important, which is why we offer 6 hours of classroom education six days a week. In addition to mental stimulation, we understand how valuable recreation and physical activity is to all children, so they have enough time to be outside and play. When possible, we offer opportunities for arts and crafts, music and entertainment, and field trips.

Psychology Wing

Last but not least outstanding and experienced Psychologists are available for counseling sessions for students, who have mental and behavioral issues in particular. We have a separate Psychology wing which includes a counseling Classroom and two separate counseling rooms for one-on-one counseling sessions. Children's mental and physical health are the foremost concerns of the Institute and are topmost on our agenda.

Skill Development

  • Skill Development programs started in 2022
  • 5 trades are being offered including, Plumbing, Carpenter, CIT (Certificate in Information Technology), Auto Mechanics, and Tailoring.
  • MOU with TEVTA, SRSP, TTB 
  • Basic courses with 47 participants gave their exams and are to be promoted to the advanced courses 
  • Further development of these workshops in the process with different organizations.