Charsadda Rd. Peshawer

Story of Salman

Salman khan is a four and a half year old kid, an orphan who was living with his mother at Women Crisis Center Peshawar. His only support and guardian in this world was his mother and had no relatives. His already compromised life being an orphan suddenly faced a drastic change by an unfortunate event of his mother's death. He was left alone with no one who could take care and look after this young boy.

Women Crises Center tried their best to find out Salman's relatives but to no avail. Consequently they contacted ZamungKor for assistance. The Director ZamungKor, Maj(R) Harris khan khattak and Chairman IMC, Syed Imtiaz H.Gillani personally took interest in this case. It was found that salman was surely without parents/guardians and his status under aforementioned circumstances made his fit into the definition of street children and the criteria of ZamungKor set for the admission.

Hence, ZamungKor Team went to Women Crisis Center Peshawar and took the boy into custody purely on humanitarian grounds, with the prior approval of Chairman IMC and admission committee.

A warm welcome was given to the Salman by the beautiful young residents of ZamungKor. He was really happy being a part of ZamungKor Family. A traditional ZK welcome was arranged by ZK kids for their new mate Salman.

He is now happily living here at ZamungKor, he has made new friends, loved by compassionate teachers, care takers and the friendly environment . He has now all the educational and daily life facilities that he truly deserves.

Success Stories

Story of Salman